The Innovative Approach

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The Innovative Approach

Design Elements of Our Program: Students at IIS will engage in a curriculum that focuses on language and skill development, while also integrating additional resources and programs to meet the needs of students. What is apparent to us is the reality that when young children are taught an organized, coherent, engaging curriculum, they will succeed in large numbers. However, extra time is needed to master skills, approaches, attitudes and internalize the ability to read, write, discuss, and think mathematically, scientifically, and critically. Our curriculum is aligned with the FINLAND SYSTEM OF EDUCATION.. We encourage teacher created collaborative units of study and lessons. Our school is constantly evolving entities that require a higher level of teaching experience and skill than a more traditional setting. To implement our model, additional features were selected to support our students, teachers and families.

Team Teaching

Collaborative team-teaching is our model for inclusion classrooms . Team teaching enhances opportunities for professionals to share observations, knowledge, and experiences. IIS encourages teachers to work together to design tasks, to facilitate group work, to confer with individual students, and to differentiate ways in which students participate in class activities.

Multiple Forms of Evidence

IIS is founded on the expectation that all students will learn and achieve academic excellence. Teachers are expected to differentiate instruction so that lessons are implemented in a way that meets each student’s individual needs. A variety of student data, including both formal and informal assessment, is used by the teacher as she or he plans instruction. Assessments may include iReady reading and mathematics assessments as well as performance-based assessments.

In addition to standardized tests aligned to IIS Common Core State Learning Standards, students are given opportunities to share their knowledge and growth in multiple formats based on benchmarks and goals established by teachers.

Visual and Performing Arts Integration

The arts are an important area of learning, and as such, students will learn about the arts (the skills and processes involved) and through the arts (artists, perspectives, themes, and ideas using the arts). This approach helps to integrate the arts into the curriculum studied and places the arts inside the everyday life of the students. IIS has art, dance and music teachers who collaborate with our classroom teachers to provide students with multiple opportunities to explore their own artistic abilities and to appreciate those of others.

Experiential Learning

Field trips are an important component of instruction and a memorable and valued part of the teaching and learning processes. Field trips are used to enrich and extend classroom instruction. Field trips may also be used to reward student achievement. All students will have an equal opportunity to participate in school field trips; however, students that are persistently in violation of the code of conduct may be excluded from field trips in order to maintain student safety and orderly conduct outside of the school. While on field trips students will be held accountable for all of the rules and regulations found in the IIS student handbook. A signed permission slip must be submitted before leaving for any field trip requiring transportation. A "walking" permission slip will be kept on file for each student, which will be valid for all field trips originating at IIS and that do/DO NOT not require transportation (for example, trips to the public library or playground across the street).

Progress Reports

Parents will receive FOUR progress reports per year outlining the student’s progress in the areas of literacy, math, other academic areas, work study skills, and social skills. It is required that progress reports be signed by parents/guardians and returned to the school. The purpose of these reports is to keep parents up to date on student progress. Additional reports may be sent home as needed. The school will follow up on students who do not return completed progress reports.

Blended Learning

Blended Learning is a way in which various subjects are blended together along with multiple disciplines and technologies blended together in the class to give the students a better understanding of technology as well as concepts.

Project Based Learning

Project Based learning emphasizes on the creating various activities and real life challenges or scenarios which need the student to apply their knowledge gained in class. Open ended questions and assignments, result in the improvement of the child's analytical ability as well as their application of the concepts that have been taught in class.